Elenco delle pagine in FAQ:

I no longer remember my password, what should I do to recover it?

With the launch of the new site, you will no longer have the access data for your personal area stored.

How can I get support to receive information and to order?

We are happy to help you, you can call us at the fixed number 0721 405153 or write us an email to info@dentalgreen.

What payment methods can I use for my orders?

You can use the following payment methods: Bank transfer in advance. Prepaid or credit card.

Do I have to be a doctor to buy?

Several items are reserved for the dental class enrolled in the register, others can be purchased normally, if you have doubts call us or

How can I be sure that the products are valid and guaranteed?

Dentalgreen bases its identity on quality. We can boast of being a healthy Italian company able to provide assistance One to One and

How long do I have to wait to receive the order?

Legend availability articles on the site: Immediate availability (arrives in 24/48hours, 72hours islands) Last pieces available (from 1 to

How to search for categories and products for dentistry?

One of the advantages of our site is the search speed. You can search for products using product categories, or faster, you can type in the

How do I know if products are in stock?

In each article we inform you if it is ready for delivery, or last pieces, or near to run out temporarily, if the product is not ready for

If I am a private person can I buy whitening?

All whitening we remember are professional cosmetic products "reserved exclusively for registered dentists FNOMCEO" and "dental

If there are different items in my order, when will I receive my order?

For each order we make a maximum of 2 shipments, all items with immediate availability are immediately shipped and then, when all other

How does COD payment work?

COD is a payment on delivery, where the items must necessarily be all available.

Why did I receive my order in part despite immediate availability?

As a company we have 2 department stores, you can then receive the same order with 2 different shipments, based on the availability of

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